Booklist: Currently Reading
I'm always in search of new, interesting cookbooks or culinary literature and here are a few books that I've recently purchased and have been enjoying:

Once I have the money, the next book on my wishlist is:

Has anyone found any other books lately that have sparked their interest? If so please tell me about them.

Once I have the money, the next book on my wishlist is:

Has anyone found any other books lately that have sparked their interest? If so please tell me about them.
Im not sure if its new or not but I noticed a Michael Mina Book that seemed cool. My Chef de Cuisine has the Happy In The Kitchen book and it's a really fun one. A lot of cool stuff that's really easy to approach.
I just got the "What to eat with what you drink" book for Christmas. It's great! Now I know what to drink with Popeye's Fried Shrimp!!
If you can get it try Marc Veyrat. I worked there a few years ago when the book was just finishing. Truly original. Michael Mina's good to but those are some old recipes, try eating there. Tartine is basic. Another book El sabor de las flores by Iker Erauzkin very good only spanish. Clorofilia as well. James your food looks great.
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