Venue: The Opening

I'm tired. We opened the doors to the restaurant about a month ago. A lot of sweat, hard work, and long hours have gone in to the opening of this restaurant. And you know's all worth it. We have created a beautiful restaurant. The decor is incredible, designed by Brand New Inc. We have transformed a space that was incredibly small and difficult to work with and made it amazing. I couldn't be happier. Everyone involved in the creation of this place has an incredible passion for what we are doing. It's a great feeling. To be surrounded by like minded individuals who have the desire to work hard, exert themselves like no human should in order to achieve a common goal. Holly Hartnett, the owner, is a prime example of this. She is there every day, open to close, ensuring that every person that walks through our front door is greeted cordially and appreciated as one of our honored guests. My kitchen staff is incredibly loyal, hard working and excited to be a part of what we have created here at Venue. This is just the beginning, but I look forward to an enjoyable and fruitful future here at Venue. I will keep you all up to date with the progress of the restaurant and appreciate your support.
Hey cool! Glad you posted. I'd love to hear more details. In your copious spare time ...
You forget to mention the food...outstanding!
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