A Natural Progression

"Discover your divinity, find your unique talent, serve humanity with it, and you can generate all the wealth that you want. When your creative expressions match the needs of your fellow humans, then wealth will spontaneously flow from the unmanifest into the manifest, from the realm of spirit to the world of form."
-Deepak Chopra
I consider myself very fortunate to have realized early on what my passion is, and what I find fulfillment in doing on an every day basis. It can take people years to find what truly makes them happy, and in some cases people never come to realize their true calling. From an early age I was taught the importance of family. My mother, for instance, is an incredibly talented cook. She may not do things in the most conventional manner, but she gets it done. Not only did she value having all of the family together, every night, to enjoy a home cooked meal together, but she emphasized the importance of caring for your ingredients, and understanding preparation. She would involve my brother and two sisters in helping prepare our meal for the evening. Peel these potatoes, clean this lettuce, make this vinaigrette, slice that baguette. Simple tasks, yes, but necessary for the completion of the meal as a whole. She made us feel that we were an integral part of the final product we created, and gave credit to each of us individually that night at the dinner table. It was a feeling of accomplishment, and to this day I have a great appreciation for everything my mother contributed to my progression in becoming a professional chef. In regards to the quote above, it is something that I like to read over and over to myself, a constant reminder to myself that anything is within reach. If you have the passion to succeed, and the confidence in yourself to go after whatever it is that you desire, you can accomplish just about anything. I have been very fortunate in the past few years to have a relatively accelerated career path. I have worked under incredibly talented chefs who I admire on both a personal and professional level. I am incredibly grateful to everyone in my life that has been a part of my progression, and truly appreciate your support.
"He is a professional craftsman. He is a cook. He takes fowl from the air; fish from the waters; fruits, vegetables, and grain from the land; and animals that walk the earth, and through his skills and art transforms the raw product to edible food. He serves to sustain life in man, woman, and child. He has the sacred duty through his efforts and art to sustain and maintain the healthy bodies that god has given us to house our souls."
-14th Century European Guild Manual
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