It's Always A Pleasure

To cook for someone who truly appreciates your efforts. Whether it be friends, family, loved ones, or fellow chefs; it's truly gratifying to create food for those who have a true appreciation for the work that you put into it. I had the opportunity this evening to cook for a fellow chef here in Denver, Chef Ian Kleinman of O's Steak & Seafood at the Westin Hotel of Westminster. He and his wife came into the restaurant tonight and allowed me to use my own creative whim to prepare their meal. I have a great respect for Ian considering he is an incredibly talented chef and is the foremost progressive creator of molecular gastronomy here in Denver. He has created a reputation for himself and recieved incredible praise from diners, chefs, and critics alike. Not only was I excited, and truly enjoyed cooking for him, but the fact that he came out of his way to experience my cuisine was quite flattering. As a chef, it is always my goal to raise the bar, go beyond what has already been done, and expand the possibilites of what cuisine can be, and how it can be experienced. I will be moving on from my current position as Chef De Cuisine in the next few weeks and look forward to the upcoming opportunites that are presented to me. I am always in pursuit of progression, and furthering my education and professional knowledge of this crazy profession. Thank you family, thank you friends, thank you colleagues. Cheers to the future.